Rangkaian Downloader/Programmer AT89S51/AT89S52

Atmel is a product AT89S51/AT89S52 that quite a lot in the market with a price of less than 20 thousand rupiah. To start learning mikrokontr...

Decoder 4 Bit to 16 Line

Decoder 4 bit to 16 line HCC4514B/HCC4515B are monolithic integrated circuits available in 24-lead dual in-line plastic or ceramic package ...

3 Bit to 8 Line Demultiplexer (Dekoder)

Demultiplexer or decoders are devices that have the function desired output selection is adjusted to a predetermined input. At the decoder i...
3D Animated Robotic Arm

3D Animated Robotic Arm

Video 3D Animated Robotic Arm , 3D Animation robotic arm by solidwork 3D Animated Robotic Arm The end result of a robotic arm Inverse kinem...
CAD Servo Robot Arm

CAD Servo Robot Arm

Video show CAD Servo Robot Arm. Robot arm make by RC servo motor articulate robotic arm gripper mechanism CAD show Servo Robot Arm CAD Robot...

Rangkaian Decoder Seven Segmen 5 Bit

This decoder circuit also serves to change the 5-bit binary numbers to decimal to be displayed by seven segments. This decoder has a 5 pin i...
RC Servo Motor Robot Arm

RC Servo Motor Robot Arm

Video show RC servo motor robot arm. Robot arm make by RC servo motor Servo Robotic Arm 2007 Technology Student Association (TSA) Engineerin...
Rangkaian FM Wireless HI-FI

Rangkaian FM Wireless HI-FI

1. TransmitterTo relieve you of any concern related to high frequency, I used a module ready, in case a module Aurel audio FM transmitter. T...
Robot Arm Make by Lego

Robot Arm Make by Lego

video show robot arm make by Lego , A Robotic Arm , remotely controlled by Sony's PSP. , Strong robot Arm is a full articulated arm made...
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