Heater Fan Controller, PIC12F675 marommuhammad 8:42 PM 0 comments The Heater Fan Controller built around PIC12F675 microcontroller. It reads the (10k) linear potentiometer and generates appropriately timed...
Cara Mrogram mikrokontroller AT89S52 Mengunakan Programmer 2.15 marommuhammad 12:56 PM 0 comments Mrogram mikrokontroller AT89S52 Via Programmer 2.15 Programmer 2.15 is a software specifically developed for programming, read, or erase the...
Menghitung Resistor LED Putih (Super Bright White LED) marommuhammad 3:17 PM 0 comments LED (light emitting diode) is currently being widely used, among other things, traffic signal lights and indicator lights of the vehicle. Ef...
Cara Menentukan Nilai Resistor Pada LED marommuhammad 7:58 AM 0 comments Menentukan Nilai Resistor Pada LED How to choose a resistor to turn on the LED? Why LEDs need resistors? That's because the LED does not...