I'm still alive

I'm still alive

Just to let you know that I'm still alive. I'm just too busy (with my child and paid works). However, I have done some microcontroll...

Mengukur Kerusakan Fet Dengan Multimeter

Mengukur Kerusakan Fet Dengan Multimeter FET is divided into two families: Junction FET (JFET) and Insulated Gate FET (IGFET) or also know...

LED Indicator Daya Audio Amplifier

LED Indicator Daya Audio Amplifier This circuit, connected to the loudspeaker output of an audio amplifier, will indicate the instantaneou...

Mengukur Kapasitor Menggunakan Multimeter (AVO Meter)

Mengukur Kapasitor Menggunakan Multimeter (AVO Meter) Capacitor is a component that can store electrical energy in units of Farad. Discover...

Self-assembling Robot

A Self-assembling Lattice Reconfiguration Robot Telecube modules are cube shaped modules with faces that can extend out doubling the length ...

Lampu LED Disko Mengikuti Musik

This series consists of 10 led a mounted sequential, Supply 9V IC1A needed to strengthen to 100 times and move the audio signal IC1B. Sensit...

Rangkaian Detektor Signal AF/RF

The following circuit of special functions to detect the presence or absence of signal AF / RF. This circuit is very simple so as to make it...

Rangkaian Pengusir Tikus Elektonik

Mice are wild animals and very annoying. "Action bawdy" it could be all kinds ranging from pooping everywhere, rummaging through c...

Rangkaian Loudness Aktif

To get good audio reproduction at different listening levels, a different tone-setting controls should be necessary to suit the well known b...

Rangkaian Diferensiator Op-Amp

Diferensiator circuit functions to produce a voltage which is a function of the time differential input voltage. Diferensiator circuit is ba...

Rangkaian Integrator Op-Amp 741

Op-amp is versatile electronic circuits are designed and specially packaged, so that by adding external components at all, can already be us...
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