Another electronic project related to LCD. Alex has created microcontroller project : Flickr images on a Nokia LCD. The "brain" used microcontroller AVR ATmega48 and the software, he decided to fetch images from Flickr using Beej’s Python Flickr API.
LCDs are often used in microcontroller projects. Most used are these green character displays with two or more rows to display menus, status or debug messages. With mass production of mobile phones, color LCDs get that cheap, that they can be used as replacement. Some time ago I ordered a Nokia 6100 LCD including breakout board from Sparkfun. To test the display, I hacked a kind of small digital picture frame, that fetches pictures from Flickr. said alex
Is it difficult to bulid this cool microcontroller project? well, if you follow what alex said i'm sure you can do it. May be i'll built it someday :)
Links & Downloads
-, Source and schematic
- Sparkfun’s Color LCD, with a lot of sample code
- Datasheet Philips PCF8833
- Epson S1D15G10
- Nokia Display with an Atmel-AVR
- Flickr API
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