This circuit is a downloader for Atmel AVR microcontroller. The circuit uses ATMega48 or ATmega8 and a few other passive components. Programmer or a downloader uses a USB-only drive firmware (firmware-only USB driver), does not require a special USB controller.
- Can be used for a variety of platforms, have been tested for Linux, Mac OS and Windows;
- Does not require special controllers or smd components;
- Speeds may reach 5kByte/detik programming;
- Option SCK to support low-speed microcontroller targets < 1.5 Mhz
- AVRDUDE USBasp support since version 5.2 - Take AVRDUDE.
- Khazama AVR - Programmer is an application Windows XP / Vista for USBasp and avrdude.
- EXtreme Burner - AVR is a Windows GUI software specifically for USB AVR programmer USBasp based, not use AVRDude.
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