Now, I'm working on the full feature clock using DS1307. In the clock, I use many BCD to decimal (bcd2dec) and decimal to BCD conversions for reading and setting time of the DS1307 RTC. MikroC provides buit-in functions for these conversions but the functions consume modest amount of MCU memory space. I have came up with simple functions that consume less memory for doing 2-digit BCD to decimal and the reverse conversions.
2-digit BCD to Decimal conversion function:
Example: myBcd2Dec(01000101) = 45
2-digit Decimal to BCD conversion function:
Example: myDec2Bcd(45) = 01000101
2-digit BCD to Decimal conversion function:
unsigned short myBcd2Dec(unsigned short bcd){
return ((bcd >> 4)*10+(bcd & 0x0F));
return ((bcd >> 4)*10+(bcd & 0x0F));
Example: myBcd2Dec(01000101) = 45
2-digit Decimal to BCD conversion function:
unsigned short myDec2Bcd(unsigned short dec){
return (((dec/10)<<4)(dec%10));
return (((dec/10)<<4)(dec%10));
Example: myDec2Bcd(45) = 01000101
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